

Independent Project




Homefit is a fitness app that lets busy nine-to-five office workers complete fun fitness within the cozy environment of their home. The app guides users to substitute weights with things they can easily find in their homes. Homefit can also be downloaded on a smartwatch so that users can get rid of their phones while exercising.

Exercise with a weight with your choice!

Homefit provides users with alternate options they can find at home as a substitute particular weight so that they fo not have to worry about purchasing costly weights.

Fully use of the home for exercise

Based on completed exercises and users' performance, Homefit provides daily personalized plans. Multiple exercise options with any tools or furniture commonly found in homes such as walls, chairs, and stairs make for an interesting and stress-free fitness experience.

Simple steps to create a wonderful music enviorment

Homefit allows users to import their favorite playlists from any music app to personalize their workout experience. Few steps to get or switch motivating background music.

Use homefit on a smartwatch for more freedom

Get rid of the phone to enjoy exercise with the watch.  Feel free to switch the music by shaking arm. The app also alerts the use of exercise countdowns using vibrations of the smartwatch.


People's attention to health is increasing. However, people are tired after busy work. They just want easy and simple exercise instead of time-consuming and tough fitness in order to meet the needs of physical exercise and avoid occupational diseases.

People's attention to health is increasing. But many people just want easy and simple exercise to meet the needs of physical exercise and avoid occupational diseases.



Fly-on-the-wall observation

I observed 6 people's apartments. According to my apartment(general apartment), I conducted a home exercise map using fly-on-the-wall observation.

exercise at home
  • It shows there definitely is a space for people to do exercise.

  • 60% of people have simple exercise tools, such as a yoga mat.
  • If exercise needs more equipment, people have to get alternative weight from their homes.

  • It’s convenient for people to exercise at home since it is familiar and close to the bathroom.


I analyzed 5 different application and focused on keep.

Keep is a mature application, which has a model of profitability and stable groups. In addition, it has three different versions of mobile phones, iPads, and watches. Because of three devises, keep develops more function. Users use different channels in different scenarios.

Besides, keep has coach model, which attracts a lot of users' attention.




Location: RIT 

People: 5 females (ages 22 - 50), 5 males(ages 25-50)

  • lack of motivation

  • Want a simple exercise to relax and relieve pain.

  • Music provides motivation.

  • Coach is a great way to courage people to exercise. 

  • Want more feel by getting rid of the phone.



From the study conducted and interviews, I summarised the user characteristics and designed persona for HOMEFIT.


 · 03 DESIGN ·


This was the first round of think-aloud testing in which I tested this wireframe styles to gain a high-level understanding of whether this style user’s found intuitive. I conducted relatively unstructured think-aloud tests with only three main tasks. This was followed up by a short interview afterward to understand users' pain points and what they wanted to see.

"I need more things to courage me to do exercise"

"I Want to change music in fewer steps"


I had a mix of regular users as well as expert users in this round testing. The regular users had very little issues in interacting with our interface. While the expert users could also successfully navigate the interface they had more concerns regarding the interaction models and their affordances, a number of them also criticized the information architecture of some screens.

"I hope there are more pieces of information on the watch, so I do not need to watch phone frequently."                                                  

"More interesting interaction in exercise page." 


Considered about improving  motivation and having fun, I created a character named Iris, a exercise coach. In HOMEFIT, the coach will company with users and courage users.


According to interviewers, they want more novelty and change. Based on user experience psychology, color, graphic image changes, more exciting people's interest and desire to use. For Homefit, I think that color changes and creativity on the background to stimulate the user's senses in order to attract attention and use more. 

TV version

 · 04 NEXT STEP ·

  1. Coach illustration system. I plan to make the illustrations to be more modular and reusable. After that, I could make a new one in a short time by using old pieces of illustrations. It would save time for designing.
  2. Create a survey to know what users want in log in or exercise setting part. Know more about users before providing plan. Trying to give a better plan and experience for users.

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